Thursday, May 30, 2013

Man of Steel Film - A First Step for DC Comics

Warner Bros. expects its forthcoming Superman movie Man of Steel to be the first of a string of new movies from the DC Comics universe. "It's setting the tone for what the movies are going to be like going forward," President Jeff Robinov told Entertainment Weekly. "In that, it's definitely a first step."

Rival comics publisher Marvel has made a habit of including hints about future movies in its films, including last year's Joss Whedon-directed The Avengers, which combined multiple characters from separate film franchises into one storyline. With Man of Steel, DC is looking at a similar approach with director Zack Snyder and producer Christopher Nolan.

"I think you'll see that, going forward, anything can live in this world . . . [Nolan's] Batman was deliberately and smartly positioned as a stand-alone," Robinov said. "The world they lived in was very isolated without any knowledge of any other superheroes. What Zack and Chris have done with this film is allow you to really introduce other characters into the same world."

That next step should be revealed soon. "We'll announce something in the next several weeks that will hopefully position the DC characters and the movies we're going to be making," Robinov said.

But those behind Man of Steel aren't keen to offer easy hints about sequels. "One of the things we dealt with on the Batman films is, Chris dislikes it when you plan something, when you say, 'I'm going to follow this up in the next film,'" said screenwriter David S. Goyer, who co-wrote The Dark Knight series and the screenplay for Man of Steel.

He continued, "[Nolan] always said put everything you have into this film and then worry about the next film later. That gives the film its own integrity as opposed to being part of an overall plan. So of course the comic book fans, it's hard not to think about [crossovers] but I, having done three Batman films and worked in that way, it's definitely the approach we took with Man of Steel."

When asked whether The Dark Knight trilogy was a stand-alone series, Rabinov gave a slight hint at a larger possible DC crossover. "They do. Or they did," he replied. "Where we go in the future is a whole other conversation." But he denied a full Justice League movie with Nolan was in the works. "No, no it's not," Rabinov simply said.

Man of Steel Movie is due out June 14th.

Man Of Steel has been rated PG-13 by MPAA

Man of Steel looks like it could be the perfect way to bring an aging superhero back into the mainstream. It looks like the upcoming Man of Steel will not disappoint. Under the careful eye of Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan.

This is the second attempt to bring Kal-El back to the cinema. Despite making a lot of money and a phenomenal performance by Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, 2006's Superman Returns did not fully satiate the desires of the diehard fans. (A Lois Lane that doesn't crack one joke? Seriously?!) This time, rather than trying to emulate the Christopher Reeve-era movies, Snyder and Nolan have decided to show a darker and more realistic Superman.

Why not? It certainly worked for Batman!

Those that worried that Man of Steel would be too centered on a brooding and emotional Clark Kent will be relieved to know that the film received a PG-13 rating from the MPAA. Exploring the darker side of characters is fine, but a little action never hurts. A PG-13 rating also puts Man of Steel in line with most superhero movies that have strived to tread the line between too kiddish and too graphic for mainstream audiences.

While Henry Cavil may be relatively unknown in the U.S, he is backed by an all-star cast of A-list, Oscar caliber actors. Lawrence Fishburne, Russell Crowe, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, and Michael Shannon will no doubt deliver stellar performances. The biggest things that fans of the comic and Reeve-era movies will want to see are performances that are true to the characters. (Again, no Kate Bosworth Lois Lanes!)

That means a crotchety Perry White, a wise cracking yet brilliant Lois Lane, and a General Zod that is diabolically evil. As PolicyMic's Abdul Siddidui covered earlier this week, it appears that the character of Jimmy Olson may now be Jenny Olson. This kind of change may initially send some people reeling, but most will probably accept it if Jenny is the same overly eager, goody-two-shoes that Jimmy was.

There are also rumors swirling about the possibility of new Kryptonian villains that will be making their debut in Man of Steel. According to anonymous sources, two new Kryptonian villains are rumored to be making an appearance: Tor-An, and Dev-Em. While this would be the first time these baddies are visible on the big screen, they are not strangers to the Superman canon.

Tor-An was a sleeper agent for General Zod, disguised on Earth primarily as CEO David Carter. Dev-Em, like Zod, was an escaped criminal. Both of which would fit perfectly with the choice of General Zod, and would delight true fans of the comic. However, these are only rumors, so they must be taken with a huge grain of salt. One thing that could solidify the rumors? Tor-An is already listed in the upcoming Superman Battle of Smallville LEGO playset!

(Let's hear it for villains of the Phontom Zone!)

If however these rumors did prove to be true, it would seem to solve a few things that left people wondering from the full-length trailer.

Would a trio of villains be able to wreak the kind of havoc that could send Perry White and Jenny Olson running from The Daily Planet building? Could this be why Superman surrenders himself to the Army? Is it to earn their trust, after other Kryptonians reveal themselves to be incredibly dangerous? Come June, we will all find out.

In the meantime, it is looking more and more like Snyder has not given us another 300 or Watchmen. Like the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness, it appears that Man of Steel has fallen under the influence of The Dark Knight.

Despite the big earnings of films like The Avengers, the era of campy and cheesy superhero films is coming to an end. (That's right, I said it!) With the influence of the The Dark Knight Trilogy a permanent fixture in the world of superhero and comic book movies, and Man of Steel appearing to follow suit, it could be just the jolt DC needs to reign supreme again.

Man Of Steel - Why Wasn't it Called Superman Unlike Batman's The Dark Knight

Writer / Producer / Director David S. Goyer is talking about why Man Of Steel has that title in the first place.

Man of Steel Movie Poster Download

The interview in question went live two weeks ago, which also included the delightful Rian Johnson talking about directing or writing a Doctor Who project, but instead of fanfaring the news snippet we thought we'd leave it in there as a kind-of-sorta present for regular listeners.

Now time has passed, here's a transcript of what Mr. Goyer said for anyone who's allergic to podcasting and/or doesn't have headphones they can use in the office.

"We decided not to call it Superman, that was very deliberate. Chris [Nolan] and I [suggested] Man Of Steel, and Warner Bros. said, ‘Why?' And we started talking about it, and we said, ‘We want a line of demarcation in the sand between the old and the new.’"

"We always knew we would be using the Superman glyph or the shield as we call it. But Man Of Steel was also supposed to represent our take, which was he’s a man, but he’s not made of flesh and blood, metaphorically he’s a man of steel. So that was sort of the whole thing wrapped up in a nutshell."

Man of Steel TV SPOT - Saves the Day

Man of Steel TV SPOT - Saves the Day

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Man of Steel Actor Henry Cavill could replace Tom Cruise on WB's Man from U.N.C.L.E

According to reports, Cruise dropped out of the project because the filming schedule interfered with his commitments to Mission Impossible 5 [how many of those are they going to make?!]. WB has a whole roster of names to choose from, but it looks like they’re banking on Man of Steel making Cavill a huge star because they’re in talks with him to take over.

He could replace Tom Cruise, who's just dropped out to concentrate on 'Mission: Impossible 5'

It was reported a couple of months ago that Tom Cruise had signed on to play the lead in Warner Brothers’ ‘Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ However, it’s now being reported that Henry Cavill, star of WB’s ‘Man of Steel’, will be taking over from Cruise.

Now, despite what everyone says about Cruise, the guy is still a movie star. That doesn’t really mean much in the US anymore, but he can still open a film internationally. Case in point: Oblivion. It tanked domestically [well, for the most part], but managed to make the majority of its box office internationally.

Since WB is hoping that ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ will launch a franchise, it means that they’re really counting on Man of Steel to do well and for Henry Cavill to become a big enough name to headline a studio franchise. Sure, unknowns have headlined franchises before – but that’s usually when the franchise is established enough that the actor is not the draw for the audience, the brand is [i.e. most superhero movies cast unknowns, especially in today’s times when studios are becoming averse to spending money]. However, when the franchise itself is not based on a well-known brand or IP, then you need a hook to draw the audiences in. You think anyone would have gone to see Pirates of the Caribbean without Johnny Depp? Do you think anyone’s going to go see World War Z for any other reason that Brad Pitt?

Either way, this puts a lot of pressure on Cavill’s performance in Man of Steel. As the titular character, his career lives and dies by the performance of that movie. Luckily, advanced word of mouth is very strong, but you can never really know for sure. ‘Man of Steel’ releases on June 14th.

Source: Variety

Man of Steel 2013 - 3 More TV Spots Released by Warner Bros. Pictures

Man of Steel - 3 More TV Spots

Warner Bros. Pictures have released three more TV Spots for "Man of Steel". The first is the US version of the recent UK/Philippines commercial recently posted online.

Man Of Steel Movie - Zod's War Armor TV Spot - Watch the Ads or Download them

Man of Steel, directed by Zack Snyder, also stars Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane. It is set for release on June 14.

"You're a monster, Zod," the man of steel says at one point to the blade-wielding invader.

On Sunday, Warner Bros. released a seventh, more humorous Man of Steel spot. A young female soldier tells her superior Superman is "hot," to give you an idea of the tone. Download or Watch the ads below.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Super Man | Man of Steel 2013 Movie Review and Expectations

I've always loved Zack Snyder's graphic novel style, and I can't wait to see Nolan producing. Hopefully Man of Steel can combine amazing images with heavier themes.

Michael Shannon as Zod? Henry Cavill as Kal-El? Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Russell Crowe as Jor-El? Add a little Zack Snyder (director) and Nolan Brothers (writers & producers), and I think you have a recipe for a fun summer movie. Did I mention you had me at Michael SHannon as Zod? This movie is going to be a lot of fun!

Tons of action, a non wimpy superman, and a villain that superman will fight not stare at? Judging by trailers it looks like we are finally going to get a superman movie we can enjoy with all the great effects you would expect from the same studio that edited the avengers.

Man of Steel 2013 Box office Predictions?

Ma of Steel estimates:

-Opening - $100-120 million
-Domestic - $350 million
-Overseas - $500 million
-Global - $830-880 million (Billion+ if the marketing campaign reaches overseas like it has here in the USA)

I really hope it does well in box office(of course if it will be a good movie...sorry...GREAT movie), shame that star trek into darkness has now reached only 257 million dollars, and it really deserves much more.

NB: Please fill free to suggest your Predictions of Box office through the comments section below.